Saturday, April 28, 2007

Walt Disney 1901-1966 Animator, film producer and director, head of entertainment corporation Famous for Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Disneyland died of Lung cancer.

About half of all regular cigarette smokers will eventually be killed by their habit.

Smoking causes at least 80% of all deaths from lung cancer, around 80% of all deaths from bronchitis and emphysema and around 17% of all deaths from heart disease.

30% of all cancer deaths can be attributed to smoking. Cancers other than lung cancer which are linked to smoking include: cervical cancer, cancer of the pancreas, cancer of the kidney, liver cancer, cancers of the lip, mouth and throat, bladder cancer, stomach cancer and leukaemia.

Ian Fleming 1908-1964 Journalist, intelligence specialist and novelist Famous for creating James Bond and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang died of Pleurisy and heart attack. Fewer than 10% of lung cancer patients survive five years after diagnosis.

Tobacco kills more men in developing countries than in industrialised countries and if current trends continue, it is likely that tobacco-related deaths will soon be the same amongst women.

Approximately 0.1 billion people died from tobacco use in the 20 th century. This figure is set to increase 10 fold in the 21 st century
How smoking harms you!
HAIR- smell and staining
BRAIN and MENTAL EFFECTS-strokes, addiction/withdrawl, altered brain chemistry, anxiety about harm caused by smoking
NOSE-reduced sense of smell
TEETH-discoloration and stains, plaque, loose teeth, increased risk of gum disease
MOUTH and THROAT-cancer of the lips, mouth, throat and larynx, sore throat, reduced sense of taste, bad breath
RESPIRATION and LUNGS-lung cancer, cough and sputum, shortness of breath, colds and flu, pneumonia and asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema
Emphysema damages the delicate air sacs in your lungs. They become large and hard, and lose their ability to exchange air. With damaged air sacs, you cannot get enough air to breathe, and always feel that you cannot catch your breath.MALE REPRODUCTION-reduced number and quality of sperm, infertility, impotence
DIABETES- non-insulin dependant diabetes mellitus (Type 2-adult onset)
LEGS and FEET-increased leg pain and gangrene; peripheral vascular disease, poor circulation
EYES-eyes sting/water, blink more, blindness (macular degeneration), cataracts
SKIN-wrinkles, premature aging
HANDS-poor circulation (cold fingers);peripheral vascular disease, stained and smelly fingers
HEART-harms, blocks and weakens arteries of the heart, heart attack
CHEST-cancer of the esophagus
ABDOMEN-stomach and duodenal cancers, cancer of the stomach, pancreas, colon, aortic aneurysm
BONES-osteoporosis, increased risk of spine and hip fractures
FEMALE REPRODUCTION-period pains, earlier menopause, cancer of the cervix, infertility and possible delay in conception
BURNS-from fires caused by cigarettes and smoking related materials IMMUNE SYSTEM- weakened - Courtesy: Intermet

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