Sunday, April 29, 2007


1. Cell Phone should be switched off while dining unless an urgent call was expected. Turn your cell phone off or set the ring to "silent" or "vibration" when in these locations: restaurant, airplane, theater, library, museum, church, classroom, business meeting, hospital.
2. When in public, always keep the conversation very brief and to the point. Long conversations should take place in private.
3. Keep your voice low when talking in public so as not to distract others around you.
4. When in small enclosed spaces such as a doctor’s waiting room, leave the room and go out in the hall to converse.
5. When you are with someone and you need to answer your cell phone, excuse yourself. If the conversation will be more than a minute, move a slight distance away to carry on the discussion.
6. Driving and talking is not about manners or etiquette, but about safety. It’s best to avoid using a cell phone while driving. If you receive a call, you can always call back at a more safe and convenient time.
7. Ear buds: hands free works well, especially when driving.

Courtesy: E-mail

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